Transforming Creativity: The Evolution of from Concept to Impact

My Role

In my capacity as a Product Manager for, I collaborated closely with our multidisciplinary team to shepherd the product from its conceptualization to its successful launch of an MVP version. My responsibilities encompassed conducting competitive research, crafting Product Requirement Documents (PRDs) and an Information Architecture (IA), sketching Figma wireframes, and maintaining a collaborative synergy with the CEO, product designers, and engineers.


The demo above illustrates the happy-path user journey when interacting with the MVP version of our product. Upon entering a query, the system promptly presents relevant GIVs. Additionally, at the bottom of the screen, there is an interactive section where users can opt for AI assistance in generating a GGIV (Generated GIV) based on their query.

Evolution (Origin Story)

Historically, GIVs were dispersed and only shareable via their respective URLs. For creators, there existed no centralized platform for sharing their GIVs or drawing inspiration from the work of fellow creators. I posited a hypothesis that the establishment of such a platform at Momenti internally would catalyze organic growth in GIV creation.

Upon joining the company in January 2023, I swiftly identified the absence of such a platform and ardently advocated for its implementation within the organization. However, due to sporadic pitching campaigns by the CEO, it wasn't until mid-August that I managed to prioritize the project and secure engineering resources. Simultaneously, I iterated on wireframes and finalized them, subsequently delivering them to the product designers. wireframes

While the MVP version has been successfully developed, it is currently in the early stages of data collection, making it challenging to present concrete results at this time.

Key Takeaways

  • Strategies for motivating team members in the absence of immediate benefits.

  • The importance of remaining vigilant for potential outliers, even when you believe you've explored all conceivable outcomes.

  • How to communicate effectively with teammates globally - with half of the team members in New York and the other half in Seoul, I found it challenging to orchestrate things fast in the beginning. By efficient use of scrum methodology, Slack standups and Jira tools, we were able to deliver our tasks on time.

Next Steps

In the upcoming months, our focus will revolve around refining the GIV recommendation algorithms, enhancing GGIV generation tools, and optimizing the UI.

Note: As the project matures and tangible results materialize, I will update this portfolio to showcase the project's accomplishments and their impact. Stay tuned for further insights into the project's developments in the near future.


Cultivating Insights: A Journey from Data Ideation to Momenti Dashboards